12 immortal rules in fishing etiquette, IA Brătescu-Voineşti, year 1938!

 12 immortal rules in fishing etiquette, IA Brătescu-Voineşti, year 1938!

Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voinești ended his book with this chapter “Fishing Label” "Fisheries Treaty" published in 1938. The 12 immortal rules in fishing ethics should be read, respected and shared by all fishermen, even though more than 80 years have passed since they were written by the famous writer, fisherman and sports promoter, IA Brătescu-Voineşti.

Preface "Fishing Treaty" year 1938, IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette!

For several years, the practice of sports has spread rapidly in our country. Among them is fishing, a widespread sport in the West, a beginner and therefore shy in our country. And because all sports have their rules; because fishing is an old and evolved sport; because on the other hand the number of fishermen has increased, and the curiosity of the spectators is unquestionable, at the urging of the Romanian Royal Foundations, we decided to give this "Fishing Treaty" to the Romanian sports lovers. In our intention, this treaty will guide those who want to be not only briefly initiated, with increasing patience and experience, to complete what the English, Americans, French and Germans consider a sport and an art.

12 immortal rules in fishing etiquette IA Brătescu-Voineşti

"We ask the reader's permission, before entering into the subject of this chapter, to try to define what is meant by etiquette. In all branches of human activity, in addition to the laws that establish a framework within which they are practiced, a number of rules have usually been enshrined, the observance of which facilitates social relations on the one hand and curbs abuses on the other. who, without being able to enter into the laws or touch anyone, are unworthy of a man of honor. These rules of practice, put together, are the etiquette. By these examples we want to show the spirit of sport fishing and urge our fishermen to use, as far as possible, the methods adopted by those for whom the great charm of fishing itself consists in the art of catching fish, in his choice, not in the weight of the bag. . Unfortunately, I have often seen fishermen take advantage of favorable days, in which the fish lose all prudence, catching and bagging fish of all sizes and returning with kilograms of life (living - no.) With which they did not know what to do. Even if the fish are of the regular size, such feats are unnecessary cruelty and abuse.

Here are some rules of etiquette for fishing that we would like to make known to as many fishermen as possible. "

Rule 1 in fishing etiquette IA Brătescu-Voineşti

As fishing is generally practiced on private property, it is necessary for the newcomer to be informed of any restrictions made by the owner or the administration of the area (size, number of pieces, fishing method), for their strict observance.

Rule 2 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is a courtesy of the guest to consider the fish caught as belonging to the owner, until the moment when he leaves the free position to the fisherman.

Rule 3 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

Even if there are no restrictions on the number of fish, it is polite not to catch quantities that do not meet the needs of the meal or a possible shipment agreed by the owner.

Rule 4 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

If the water is flowing and passes near the owner's house, it is polite to consider a few hundred meters up the hill and valley reserved for the use of the owner, fishing in this part only at his invitation.

Rule 5 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is polite of the guest not to fish in lakes or waters considered fish stocks, even if this has not been forbidden.

Rule 6 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

If one or more exceptional fish are reported in a stream, it is polite to ask the owner's permission if he is present before attempting to catch them.

Rule 7 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

Fishing in turbid waters cannot be considered a sport, but a means of procuring fish for meals.

Rule 8 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is a duty to respect a certain area around another fisherman, for example 30 meters if you are fishing with artificial fly or natural lures, 100 meters if you are fishing with heavy lures. And when you go down or up to the point where this fisherman is, go away from the water, so as not to embarrass him or scare the fish. If you are fishing by walking through the water, go as far as possible from the shore.

Rule 9 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is polite to spare unnecessary advice from a fisherman who has caught a fish and wants to take it ashore; but it is your duty to help him at his request.

Rule 10 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is polite not to ask for too many services from a fisherman who has also come to recreate himself.

Rule 11 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is polite not to ask for "secrets" from a fisherman and it is also polite to tell them if they are required.

Rule 12 in the IA Brătescu-Voineşti fishing etiquette

It is polite not to show off the product of fishing to other fishermen.

Instead of the end

Each of us has committed this crime; each had a moment of oblivion and indulged in an enthusiasm, a destructive rage. And later, if he didn't think about it, he naively bragged about the sensational "paintings" made on this or that occasion. The purpose of these lines is not to blame, but to urge that these practices not become systems. And we believe that it will be easier for fishermen to acquire this mastery than it was for them to learn to handle fishing at the beginning.

Fishing treaty, year 1938, IA Brătescu-Voineşti

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Andy Arif


Fishing is a beautiful game, especially when you take it seriously. Fisherman's child, fisherman's father, fisherman's friend, storyteller, traveler, nature lover, dreamer in this wonderful world of fishing. Be it spoken, written, photo, video or online.

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  • It is more than good to know them…! But most of all, LET'S RESPECT!

    • Absolute. There are others at the level of the years we live in, I will complete in a new article, as soon as possible.

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