A few hours at Snagov, come on guys!

 A few hours at Snagov, come on guys!

Lake Snagov, Romanian Illustration, Thursday, July 18, 1929

"Twenty-eight kilometers away from our capital lies Snagovului lake with the monastery full of historical memories, with imposing forests - a corner of heaven hidden behind a bend in the road leading to Poești.

Few of the inhabitants of the Capital who run across seas and countries in search of a "corner of rest", suspect that around them, a few kilometers away, the gifted nature has gifted them with miracles that they do not use because they do not know them and that even if if he knew them, he would perhaps not value them enough, because they are ours and not others'.

And yet, Snagovul indulges its picturesqueness of astonishing beauty, a few steps from the Capital of the Country, where thousands and tens of thousands of people suffer because they cannot afford the luxury of an expensive holiday and who, happily, would spend a Sunday or celebration in a place so close and so delightful. If someone had proposed to arrange this place well spoken of by God and forgotten, for a long time by people, of course Snagov would have become what the recreation and rest resorts around the great European centers are today. Why should we marvel at the "Wann Sea" of Berlin, or the surroundings of other Capitals, mastered more by the hand of man than by nature, when we have, near our Bucharest, the wonderful and enchanting Snagov?

Why should we roam in foreign lands in admiration of all that others possess, when nature has endowed us with more than others have?

It is true that lately, Snagovul has been the subject of serious planning concerns; that there is a grandiose project that foresees, among other things, an electric railway line that will put a good and cheap means of transport within everyone's reach; but also the High Regent HRH Prince Nicolae accompanied by the Ministers was on the spot investigating the possibilities of realizing this plan.

A Sunday spent in Snagov in the company of some friends, made me cross the twenty-eight kilometers in the clouds of dust so characteristic of the road leading to Ploești, in the jumps of a modern vehicle - a car - which, without wanting to, it shook my bowels so much that I swore that I would never travel in my life again in the old man's carriage.

This circumstance reminded me of the reflections of Alexandru Odobescu, about the civilization that, inventing new means of communication, limited its freedom to cross the expanse, "stopping where it wants, turning where it likes, running "when it deviates, resting when he feels tired! He complains about the postman and the surugiu, on a good road, - our road today which back then was "that masterful road, which from the garden at the head of the Mogoșoaia bridge stretches to the Ploeștiior barrier and which leads, straight as the bullet, in three or four "hours without hindrance, without disturbance, in the County Capital about the mountain".

Odobescu, visiting these wonderful places, wrote "A few hours at Snagov" in which he gives us a wonderful impression and historical memories that the Monastery with the same name keeps. Here is how Odobescu describes the entrance to the forest that can still be found today on the right of the road:

"Indeed, everything around was delightful; tall oaks, bathed in the summer sunlight, presented in their pampered vaults, the whole range of the smarand's faces, from the tender green of the bud to the dark black of the stem. An atmosphere of cool balms revives the breath and the whisper of the leaves, slightly swayed by a breeze, drowns itself with the rustling of the greers hidden in the foliage. Through those mysterious places now bathed in the rays of midday, my postman trotted along; the surugi, in order to encourage the horses, sometimes whirled the whip lazily over their heads, and then addressed them, from time to time, in a low voice, the prolonged cry of: come on, boys!"


Lake Snagov, Romanian Spinning League, Drill Club, Arrow International, Friday August 21, 2023, come on guys!

After 96 years, if you allow me to paraphrase Alexandru Odobescu, I would say this: "Through those mysterious places, now screened by sumptuous villas, the LRS fleet was advancing slowly; the boatman, in order to urge the horse-power of the water-lilies-choked engine, twirled the rod lazily over their heads, and then addressed to them, from time to time, in a low voice, the prolonged cry of: come, my perches!"

Yes, you got it, in fact this article is about a new raptor sport fishing competition on Lake Snagov. I started with the article from the Romanian Illustration because it reproduces part of the well-being that the Snagov lake transmits to us, CPS Drill and Arrow International, and to you who participate year after year in Snagov Cup. So, in order not to prolong it, we invite you A few hours at Snagov to a state of well-being, perch, pikes and saddles, because populated, and Snagovul stubbornly remains one of the most beautiful lakes in the country despite the times we live in. If you still need other reasons, see here, from the past. The rest of the information scroll down. Wow, but what prizes!

Snagov Arrow Lake Cup, August 24-26, 2023

ORGANIZING: Drill Sport Fishing Club & Romanian Spinning League
LOCATION: Lake Snagov
PERIOD: 25 – 26 August 2023
POINTABLE SPECIES AND SIZES: perch 17cm, saddle 40cm, pike 40cm, clean 20cm, avat 30cm
MAIN SPONSOR: Arrow International
SPONSORS: Savage Gear, Garmin Romania, Berti Lures, Egret by Hoxton, Bergenbier, Boat Tuning, Fahrenheit, Tandyr Expert


Thursday, August 24
06:30 – Start of official training
14:30 – Final official training
17:00 – Technical session

Friday, August 25
06:00 – Entering the water – checking boats, livewell, vests, etc.
06:30 – Start of leg 1
14:30 – Final leg 1
16:30 – Display of partial results

Saturday, August 26
06:00 – Entering the water – checking boats, livewell, vests, etc.
06:30 – Start of leg 2
14:30 – Final leg 2
17:00 – Display of final results/Award ceremony


1st place - sonar Garmin GPSMAP® 8410xsv worth 15,589 lei, products Savage Gear in the amount of 2000 lei + Transferable Voucher – discount on the purchase of a boat from Boats Tuning – 1500€ (1000€ when purchasing the boat plus 500€ in the accessories of the purchased boat) + 300+300 lei voucher, Fahrenheit clothing items + Tandyr Expert Voucher 1000 lei

2nd place - Garmin LiveScope™ Plus system with GLS 10™ and LVS34 transducer in the amount of 10,889 lei, products Savage Gear worth 1500 lei + Transferable Voucher – discount on the purchase of a boat from Boats Tuning – €1000 (€750 upon purchase of the boat plus €250 in the accessories of the purchased boat) + voucher 250+250 lei, Fahrenheit clothing + Tandyr Expert Voucher 500 lei

3rd place – Products Savage Gear worth 5000 lei + Transferable Voucher – discount on the purchase of a boat from Boats Tuning – €750 (when purchasing a boat) + 200+200 lei voucher, Fahrenheit clothing + 300 lei Tandyr Expert Voucher

4th place – Products Savage Gear worth 2000 lei + Tandyr Expert Voucher 200 lei
5th place – Products Savage Gear in the amount of 1500 lei

Places 6-10 products Savage Gear worth 800 lei

21ST PLACE – SURPRISE AWARD FROM MEMBERS DRILL CLUB + a weekend at Egret by Hoxton (2 nights, accommodation plus MD)

CMMC – Products Savage Gear worth 1500 lei + 2 bottles of palinca + a weekend at Egret by Hoxton (2 nights, accommodation plus MD)

Places 1-10, the traditional bottle of palinça Arrow Int.

Each team will receive a product package Garmin, Savage Gear and Berti Lures

RULES Pursuant

The competition takes place according to the regulations of the National Boat Spinning Championship 2023, which you can read here: Competition Regulations 2023and of "Predator Challenge" application regulations


The value of the participation fee: 1500 lei/team (750 lei individually).
For athletes who are part of an LRS associated club, the fee is 1200 lei/team (600 lei individually).

Registration deadline: 23.08.2023 (inclusive)

Payment of the tax will be made only by bank transfer to the account ALR
Account holder: "ROMANIAN SPINNING LEAGUE" Association
Fiscal identification certificate: 25633350
Banca Transilvania
Mention: Arrow Cup registration, Team: Name, Surname


Teams intending to participate in the competition must register online on the team registration page on the LRS website. Please fill in the sections of the Registration Form as accurately as possible.

When registering, competitors must fill in the Registration Form and the following information:
1. Boat brand
2. Boat registration number
3. For boats registered abroad – the name of the port where the boat was registered
4. Boat license holder (Surname-Surname)

Please be very careful about the speed of moving the boats on the water surface during the competition! In case of medical emergency call 112 for ambulance intervention!


In order to be able to participate in the training and competition, competitors are obliged to comply with the fishing and navigation rules/regulations/legislation in force and to hold an ANPA Fishing Permit issued by AVPS Acvila, valid for the year 2023. This can be obtained by paying the amount of 65 lei in the account
AVPS Acvila: RO 08 BTRL 04801205 P27706XX Banca Transilvania
Payment details: "fishing fee 2023 - according to the reciprocity protocol AVPS Aquila - ALRS".

In order to obtain the fishing permit in electronic format and to be able to prove its ownership, it is necessary to send the CI and proof of payment to the e-mail address avps.acvila@yahoo.com

The starting area in the competition is established at the pier of the Navasart Complex.
The training period is until August 24, 2023, at 2:30 p.m.
During the week of the competition, training takes place in the Catch & Release system.

Paying the fee means accepting and assuming them as well as the Regulations of the ALRS 2023 National Boat Spinning Championship Regulations of the "Predator Challenge" application

CAREFUL!: The movement to the starting place will be made only from the areas intended for boats and only through the places indicated by the organizer.
In situations where it is necessary for competitors to travel by water to get to and from the accommodation, this is allowed only outside competition hours and only in the middle of the competition track, approaching less than 50 m from the shore is prohibited, except areas that do not allow this (channels, narrow areas). In situations where it is possible to travel by car to and from the accommodation, this is mandatory.


  1. NAVASART OLYMPIC COMPLEX, +40 (723) 204 055, Ms. Simona, for reservations, Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Reservations can only be made after paying the competition fee.
Send a message with the proof of the payment of the competition fee specifying for whom the payment is made, to no. by telephone +40 (744) 498 947, Cristi Anghelina, before calling for the reservation.

  1. HOTEL BAR & RESTAURANT DOLCE VITA – dolcevitasnagov.ro
  2. VILLA 23 SPA – www.facebook.com/Vila23Snagov

Stefan Dinu, +40 (722) 413 651


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Andy Arif


Fishing is a beautiful game, especially when you take it seriously. Fisherman's child, fisherman's father, fisherman's friend, storyteller, traveler, nature lover, dreamer in this wonderful world of fishing. Be it spoken, written, photo, video or online.

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