ABC tips fishing for pike on the Danube with Ovidiu Ursachi!

 ABC tips fishing for pike on the Danube with Ovidiu Ursachi!

When it comes to fishing on the Danube, Ovidiu Ursachi is one of the few well-known fishermen who came from home. Between Giurgiu and Hârșova it is almost impossible not to meet him on Saturday or Sunday, on public holidays, or on any day when he can escape from service.

Regardless of the season, on heat that pushes the thermometer's mercury above 35 degrees Celsius or in winter to minus 15 degrees, Ovidiu always manages to fool a big pikeperch. How does he do it?


10 tips fishing for pikeperch on the Danube

This was the title of the article below, an article published in the magazine Fishing For All 8 years ago. Of course, since then and until now, Ovidiu has fooled a few more record rooms and probably some of the rules below have undergone minor changes. Learn more from his personal blog, Xylumenu.

Tip 1, the place of the pike

By far, it is one of the best tips. Whether we find him alone or find him from a friend who caught him there, place matters. You can fish better than St. Peter's, but if you don't fish where you should, chances are you don't have a trait. For me, the good "place" is the fierce place where I hang at least 20 jigs.

Tip 2, Danube waters

Danube waters they are very important for those who have some experience. I always go out when there are small elevations, to get an idea of what the places look like and to know how to fish when the water is 6-7 meters above you. Conclusion: go out as often as possible and write down / remember the depths and elevations you have caught in various places.

Tip 3, anchoring

The mooring of the boat on the Danube, although a seemingly simple task, can become frustrating when you find that, after the rope has been tightened, the boat is a few meters away from the target area, or too far offshore, or too far ashore. Personally, I anchor (with a light 3 m inflatable boat + 6 hp engine) with a weight of 7 kg and a thin rope (2 mm), to cut the light current and to maximize the space in the boat. I have 65-70 meters of rope, although I have seldom anchored myself at depths greater than 15 meters. The difference is good to approach on the threshold length as much as the rope allows.

If the current is constant and the depth is high, over 10 meters for example, after the anchor reaches the bottom I leave at least 5 meters of extra string. The angle made by the anchor cord while tensioning helps to secure the anchor. On a very strong current I anchor even longer, up to 15-20 meters from the place where I left the anchor. So you have to calculate / anticipate where the water current will push you after dropping the anchor.

Fishing for sea bass on the Danube is a very precise fishing, so pay close attention to anchoring. I always have a beacon attached to the anchor cord, and for that I use an open rifle in the shape of the letter "C". This allows me to release the boat very quickly (less than 3 seconds) in case of drill with a big fish or in case of force majeure: trees, logs, etc. I pull the string, the rifle jumps off the anchor ring in the bow of the boat and I'm free.

saltwater fishing

Tip 4, what do I fish on the Danube?

About 95 percent jigs and plastics at depths between 1 and 15 m. For a more precise and controlled fishing, I usually fish with a jig hard enough to keep the jig on the bottom. Hard enough for me means 10 to 100 g, most commonly between 20 and 70 g. I use thin yarns (textiles), most often Power Pro of 8 and 10 lbs, very rarely fishing with 15 lbs and only in places where I expect to have sleep attacks as well.

Tip 5, Holy Trinity, current, wire, weight

Take care of the holy ones and fish correctly. The weight on your shoulders or life in general has nothing to do with pike fishing on the Danube. The thin thread and the right jig (the fisherman under the hat fits him) brings you one or more features. On the bottom of the water, in a strong current, at a depth of 10–14 meters, the 80 g jig reaches your bottom with only a few grams (less than 10). The rest of the weight of that lead meteorite is taken up by the current's wire lift.

Tip 6, the rule of the 10 gum envelopes

Here, too, like many other fishermen, I am a victim of prejudice. "Orange with green, that's how I caught it two years ago, or green with I don't know what… or maybe some transparent with blue glitter…" I invented the "rule of 10 envelopes". I mean, I only have so many envelopes / types of plastic with me. 10!

Tip 7, the most catchy gums

In order of preference: Big Hammer, Big Bite baits, BassAssassin, various Chinese who sometimes do the job. Most commonly used sizes: 4 ”. Colors: all, when I say all means all, except white and pearl, which I seldom and very seldom fish… And, though those colors catch fish, I catch them very seldom; I am the victim of the above prejudices.

Tip 8, offset fishing in the hook

I do not fish with bullets, separate balls, hinges or other joints. For me, offset fishing on the Danube means two mounts, each derived from the classic (Romanian) jigging. Pro arguments: perfect contact with the lure, and after a few launches and years of experience, I can no longer find arguments against…

Tip 9, how much does pike fishing on the Danube cost

A successful game is a game in which I catch a few halls and hang at least 30 jigs… Hmm… 30 jigs? A jig hook costs something, so does lead, the jib also costs… x 30 + radical from the apparent curvature of the Sun… exactly equal… I don't calculate. And I advise anyone to do the same. If we follow its "worth it" principle, we better buy two macros. We'll keep the money in our pockets. As I said: at least 30 jigs, but a really fulfilled game takes shape around 40-50 jigs.

Tip 10, alone at the pike

I fish alone. I especially appreciate the loneliness. Alone in the boat I approach a place exactly as he instinctively tells me, I stay 10 minutes or two hours without a feature, only I decide. A partner in the boat often confuses me "Maybe if we try beyond, where last time… or maybe if we move 100m above…". Sometimes I go with one of the 3-4 friends, in the same boat or several crews, but in more than half of the games I go alone. There are also drawbacks, such as taking pictures with that big shawl, but there are solutions.

Extra Golden Tip!

All of the above are just words blown away if your wife / girlfriend doesn't love / understand / accept you enough that the passionate fishing (not to say "crazy") next to her doesn't seem like much to her. A "Come on, go" between your teeth is not enough… There is a slight chance of catching something… It takes warmth and encouragement - "Okay, my dear, go and come with a big ponytail" - even if any man with a little mind you hear the echo of shopping at IKEA or professional shopping through various malls. Love and understanding are the magic ingredients, but it certainly doesn't hurt to come home with a big pony from time to time.

Ovidiu Ursachi - Pescuitul Pentru Toti magazine 2013

Update 2021 pike fishing tips on the Danube

Time deals with the past and the Danube deals with stories. It took me a while to catch up, but yes! There is also a story of the past. Tips, secrets, revelations or "breaks of silence". Today I would say that there are two more revelations.

fishing for predators

Tip 11 (ilevăn), change style / technique

Maybe you fish in your own style, with recoveries from a crank (or two) of reel 1000 - 5000, or trembling, or raised to the sky, or I know how… And it can work .. You just caught so many times . Or so you saw on YouTube or at a friend's "daddy on the beach". What if it's done "differently"? What if we don't believe it? Or how have I done it for so many years? It is good to leave room for doubt and CHANGE! Place, technique, taboos and the hardest: beliefs!

Tip 12 (tuelv), go fishing! Anytime.

Do you have a rod, a reel, a shore or a boat? Then you are eligible to catch salt on the Danube. You don't need a certain quota (even if some are better than others), no entourage or a "ploic" or cloud. You just need a little restlessness and leave home at unnatural hours, on any Tuesday or Saturday. It doesn't matter anyway - the days on the Danube are different.

record salau Romania

Post scriptum

There would be something else: it is a time for everything. For the catch, for the misses, for the sunsets and questions. This time must be appreciated at its true value. I'll be back in 8 years, in 2029!

Ovidiu Ursachi - February 2021

Information allowed fishing on the Danube and in the Danube Delta 2021

ANPA 2021 sport fishing permits

Read where you can get it ANPA Fishing Permit and Border Permit for fishing on the Danube!

fishing permit arbdd Danube delta 2021

See where you can get it FREE fishing permit in the Danube Delta!

If you liked it, I appreciate any SHARE

Andy Arif

Fishing is a beautiful game, especially when you take it seriously. Fisherman's child, fisherman's father, fisherman's friend, storyteller, traveler, nature lover, dreamer in this wonderful world of fishing. Be it spoken, written, photo, video or online.

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