Careful! The period of general fishing bans began in 2021.

General fishing ban period 2021
The fishing ban in Romania began in 2021. The period is set for the interval April 9 - June 7 (60 days) for fishing in natural fish habitats, respectively April 24 - June 7 (45 days) for fishing in border waters. Within those intervals, the restriction shall apply to all species of fish.
Pike ban 2021
Between February 1 and March 15 (43 days).
Prohibition on pikeperch and perch 2021
Between March 28 and June 7 (72 days).
Prohibition on trout 2021
From 1 January to 31 March 2021 and from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. The restriction applies to native trout, rainbow and well trout species, and sea trout fishing is prohibited throughout the year.
Ban on mackerel 2021
It varies from one sector of the Danube to another, as follows:
- from the Black Sea to the Chilia Fortress, km 43, between April 5 and April 14 (10 days).
- from Chilia Fortress, km 43 to Vadul Oii, km 238, between April 9 and April 23 (15 days).
- from Vadul Oii, km 238, to Chiciu, km 374.5, between April 19 and May 3 (15 days).
- from Chiciu, km 374.5, to the Iron Gates II Dam, including the Gogoșu arm, km 874.8, between April 29 and May 13 (15 days).
- mackerel fishing is prohibited throughout the year in front of the mouths of the Danube into the sea at a depth of 5km offshore and on a 2km wide corridor considered 1km on either side of the axis of the Sfântu Gheorghe and Sulina arms, in in front of the Chilia arm, the width of the forbidden corridor is 1 km south of the axis of the arm, and north to the limit of the Romanian territorial waters.
- within the perimeter of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, family fishing for mackerel is allowed using a maximum of 2 gillnets between April 9 and April 18, in the approved areas.
The ban on turbot 2021
Between April 15 and June 15.
Protected species in Romania 2021
Fishing for the following fish species is prohibited throughout the year: the stonemason, the sparrowhawk, the river gibberish, the sagebrush, the striped sagebrush, the asparagus, the pecarina, the Razelm guvid, the eastern snipe, the smelt, the mihalț, the caracuda, the whitefish, the grayling, the sea trout and the sturgeons.
Catch & Release fishing in the territory of DDBRA Delta Duncomplicatedcountry
In particular, on the territory of the “Danube Delta” Biosphere Reserve, outside the prohibition periods, recreational / sport fishing of pike, pikeperch, catfish and carp species is allowed only with the release of all catches (catch & release).
see here MADR / MMAP ORDER no. 58/462/2021 completely.
See how and where you can get it DDBRA fishing permit, ANPA fishing permit.