Lost in Lapland with Miuras Mouse, Swamp Fishing, Episode 1
Fishing with Miuras Mouse, from the shore, can be that simple, at least in Sweden. Put two Miuras Mouse powered by Strike Pro in your pocket, open the app Iphiske, you put in the search bar the targeted species, in our case "pike/pike/gädda", you catch a Swede at "Take me, nene!" and you point to where you want to go on the map. If he seems friendly, you simply tell him to take you to a pike spot. I'm everywhere. And pikes and Swedes. Here, in Romania, it's a bit more complicated and with fishing permits and with the pikes and the hitchhiker. But not impossible, hope dies last.
Will follow.
Do not miss episode 2
Read The history of the creator and creation of Miuras Mouse!