A Daiwa Steez reel after 10 years!

 A Daiwa Steez reel after 10 years!

When it comes to maintaining reels fishing for raptors, I think they are the worst example. I never undo them, I don't maintain them, when I consider that they have reached the end of their powers, I give them a gift or keep them for the set. Exactly the same fate befell a Daiwa Steez 2508 bought from Arrow International in 2007. And yet…

reel maintenance

Reel Daiwa Steeez, Arrow 2007

I remember it as if it was yesterday when I saw it in the Arrow showroom, in 2007. The price was well above my budget, I don't know exactly how much, but it definitely exceeded 500 euros. I got acquainted for the first time with the ease of the magnesium body, I can't tell you what sensations I had, I clearly had love at the first crank. And I kept turning to her every time I went to the showroom Arrow, at that time in Crângași. It was the only one in stock, I borrowed money and took it, a small fortune.

pike fishing saltwater fishing perch fishing

From the Delta to Sweden

For 10 years this reel has been present in all my fishing parties, except for clean and trout - no, wait, I also fished for sea trout in Norway with it. Due to its low weight, the Daiwa Steez fit perfectly on any rod I put on it. Salmon, pike, perch, bass, sea trout, pyramid, carp (accidentally) - without exaggeration, this reel has several hundred fish and active parties in Romania, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Kazakhstan and other countries through which I fished. Always being the first choice regardless of the target species.

The first 10 years

As I said above, I did not maintain it, I did not save it, I never unpacked it. After the first few years, he started whistling, like almost all Daiwa reels, nothing bothering me, otherwise nothing changed in the way he behaved in fishing, or at least that's how it seemed to me.

fishing for predators

So Steez Exist

I'm not going to tell you too much about this reel, because everything would be superlative, I'm just telling you that the only reel that approached its qualities is another Daiwa, There is this time, Hyper Custom. Going back to her story, about two years ago I lost a bottom cap that also had an oil bath role, I noticed this late, probably after two or three games when the reel had started to get heavier. I used it before and only in a few pike games, it was the only reel that fit perfectly with a Daiwa Tournament AGS 2.40 m rod, until I came into possession of the Exist.

Now he could go for overhaul, where? to WordPress reels, Eduard Czika aka Edy Curiosul.

Pimp my reel, maintenance reels fishing for raptors WordPress reels

Over the course of 10 years, I have only opened this reel once. I didn't open it myself, personally, I asked Adi, the head of service at Arrow, to clean my anti-return as a matter of maximum urgency, that is, on the spot. I was going to go to the Danube Delta in half an hour for a contest, I needed a reel in optimal parameters. A large part of the Daiwa reels have this problem in the cold, their anti-return is blocked. I contacted Eduard, told him the story briefly and that I would like to recondition it to its former form.

She answered in the affirmative, unwrapped it, sent me some pictures of the parts affected by the weather and indifferent. The fun cost about 764 lei, but it was worth every penny, she's back!

From Eduard reading

Below I will describe about how any reel caught intensely fished in about ten years, without too many routine visits to the doctor. You will see faults, wear, causes and repair solutions. Why the reel rustles, when it's good to grease it, how to disassemble it, how to protect it, how much dirt can accumulate inside, why not throw it away or how to rejuvenate it - are some topics that will be exposed. Ten years for a fishing reel is like a human life - a life in which, even if we do not have serious health problems, it is good to go to the doctor for a routine check-up. The film shows clear internal and external wear.

(Eduard Csika)

Daiwa STEEZ, or EXIST for the Japanese market, is well known, but let's see what resistance a reel had sold for $ 550.

But before I open it, I take a look outside for possible visible damage. Up in the picture are traces of disassembly with the wrong tools, a rather important sign that someone might have damaged it, and more than a bruise on the rotor nut. I recommend avoiding this type of unprofessional intervention.

The dirt accumulated on the rotor fasteners is quite clear, it is one of the six permanently moving bearings, which can rustle in the mill.

Brake discs are the most perishable parts on this reel. In order to keep them in shape, never after a fishing trip, the brake knob must be loosened, in order to press / charge the felt discs, in the case of more resistant carbon discs the knob can shake his head at any time.

For a correct disassembly, without scars in the parts, use the right tools, maybe above is a tool inaccessible to many of you, but indispensable for disassembling this type of bucket sometimes.

Only after cleaning can we see if the parts are worn so badly that they need to be replaced.

Dirt deposits are nothing more than tanks of particles that feed the wear of the parts.

Probably the anti-return from Daiwa of this generation is the most annoying set of parts, due to the low resistance in the cold season. I recommend that the anti-return to the transport be disengaged, as well as the brake knob.

The main parts of the reel do not look very well uncleaned and uncleaned after 10 years, it was good to have greased and washed at least three times during this time.

Before soaking-splashing, the parts of the STEEZ assembly.

In the reel you can find all kinds of organic waste, from parts of insects to the most abrasive parasite - mud - but the reel not only collects dirt at work, but also in storage and transport. If it does not have a cover, it may still receive "aid" for premature wear.

In the reel you can find all kinds of organic waste, from parts of insects to the most abrasive parasite - mud - but the reel not only collects dirt at work, but also in storage and transport. If it does not have a cover, it may still receive "aid" for premature wear.

After inspecting the old organs, the technical inspection follows, possibly the comparison with the new parts.

The wear of the rubber ring is obvious and the mark left on the part associated with the oscillation system, on the right is the new ring, on the left, the worn part due to the lack of this ring-80.

Another visible wear is the joint between the rotor and the bucket arm, the area exposed to particulate matter in the pond.

Wear is on the rotor - part too expensive to be replaced, then better put a sleeve-34 used on the opposite side of the pickup with a diameter of 4.5 mm, round the hole of the bucket arm to 4.6 mm .

And we get a new armrest-25 with a widening of 3 tenths of the radius of the hole.

Another proof of negligence in reassembling the reel, a torque screwdriver can save a hand not adapted to small screws.

Plastic parts with metal coating fade after a while, but can be polished, refreshing the patinated appearance of the reel.

Not with a negligible investment, changing parts of about 170 $ + labor, the reel can still receive a grade of 8-9, with this money, if we give up STEEZ we could not find a better reel.

"It's never too late for a fresh start." - George Eliot

He also talks about reels DAM Quick.

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Andy Arif


Fishing is a beautiful game, especially when you take it seriously. Fisherman's child, fisherman's father, fisherman's friend, storyteller, traveler, nature lover, dreamer in this wonderful world of fishing. Be it spoken, written, photo, video or online.

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