Perch fishing with lead palette technique!

Lead fishing with the lead palette technique I learned from Cristi Anghelina in a contest LRS on Lake Bicaz. He caught perch after perch with a strange, heavy lure, with which he quickly reached the bottom of the 7-8 meter water. At the end of the round I asked him to show me the lure and to tell me more about this lead palette technique.

Biban Personal Best

A year later, with the technique I learned and with some lead palettes borrowed from Cristi, I was going to catch my record perch. Also on Lake Bicaz, also in a contest, BibanMania, but unfortunately, in training. A perch of 1.5 kilograms and 42 cm that you can see in the video above. Shortly after this happy incident, we asked Cristi to tell us more about this lure called lead palette.

From Cristi Anghelina reading

I first heard of the lead palette a year and a half ago from my brother, who was invited to a game of perch fishing on the Seine. He also caught, in the sweet classic style of jigsaw sawing, but the results of his fishing partners gave him food for thought. The "rumor" reached me too, I studied the "problem" on the internet, I found it interesting and, with the thought of halls and perch, I ordered.

Palette lead mount

Widespread in France, lead palette or lead tirette is preferred in vertical perch fishing but over time has found applications in other species of predators. This mount derived from dandinet, involves a special assembly, sometimes simpler, sometimes more complicated. It was invented by Christian Cochard and can be ordered from fishing sites in France.

Fishing technique - three styles

1. vertically - in water greater than 1.5 m; the mount is left on the bottom of the water and is animated by repeated vertical movements; we adapt the amplitude and frequency of movements according to the depth of the water and the feeding pattern of the fish;
2. launched - similar to jigging fishing, with the recovery of the mount in the style of "saw teeth";
3. crawling - especially preferred in areas where the substrate is covered by sediment.

First catch, saltwater fishing

I did the first fishing with lead palette on Valea Argovei, at palau, accompanied by my brother, who gave me instructions about the animation of the mount, after the experience of fishing in this style on the Seine: two sudden and quite violent movements, followed by a pause of about a second, then the cycle is repeated. Equipment: medium rod, 15 lb. yarn, 7 g lead; Instead of the classic mount (anchor + tube) I used an offset hook and a shad with a grub tail. Conditions: cocoon, moderate wind, whimsical fish. Because I had some unfinished "opinions" with the spinning equipment, I decided to try the lead palette. I admit that I was not very happy with the style of fishing, so I did not insist too much. However, pretty quickly I managed to catch two squirrels. At the same time, jigging, my brother managed to catch three.

Mounts and accessories perch fishing technique lead palette

It is important to adapt our mount according to the characteristics of the fishing spot. In areas with hooks it is preferable to use offset mounts, especially if fishing angled or dragged, to avoid hooks. Lead Pallets can be attached directly to the main wire of the rod or to a scissors.For attaching the anchor (hook car) it is recommended to use double knots for extra strength.Cover the knot and the anchor rod with a rigid varnish. Place a glass ball followed by a silicone stopper or a lead pliers. Lead pallets follow and the mount on the scissors is ready. You can close it with a swirl clip or a loop. To mount directly on the main line, follow the steps in reverse. There are no fixed rules in choosing the terminals for this mount. You can use simple anchors, offset hooks or even carp fishing hooks. There are no restrictions on ghosts. Any gum works.
In perch fishing, the lead palette technique is recommended to use a thicker wire, resistant to abrasion, to make the mount. The movements of the lead will quickly affect any smaller diameter thread or textile. Fluorocarbon is the best option.
Cristi Anghelina
Read on ABC perch fishing by Cristi Anghelina


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Andy Arif

Fishing is a beautiful game, especially when you take it seriously. Fisherman's child, fisherman's father, fisherman's friend, storyteller, traveler, nature lover, dreamer in this wonderful world of fishing. Be it spoken, written, photo, video or online.

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